FAETEDA was created in 1996 with the aim of structuring the sector and becoming the stepping stone towards the public administrations, at Spanish and European level. It is a member of Pearle* – Live Performance Europe, an association that represents, through its members, more than 10.000 European cultural organisations and of which currently hold the vice-presidency.

Currently, FAETEDA is made up of 18 associations, which represents almost 500 performing arts private companies and theaters from Aragon (ARES), Basque Country (ESKENA), Cantabria (ACEPAE), Castile and Leon (ARTESACyL), Castile La Mancha (ESCENOCAM), Catalonia (ACPDC, ADETCA and CIATRE), Chartered Community of Navarre (ESNA), Community of Madrid (APTEM and ARTEMAD), Extremadura (EXTREMADURA TEATRAL), Galicia (ESCENA GALEGA), La Rioja (AESCENA), Principality of Asturias (ESCENASTURIAS), Region of Murcia (MURCIA A ESCENA) and Valencian Community (AVED and AVETID).

Throughout its history, FAETEDA has had three presidents: Toni Benavent (1996-2005), Daniel Martínez (2005-2014) and Jesús Cimarro, currently leading the organization. Three key persons to understand contemporary Spanish theatre, who have moved from defending their community interests to working for the benefit of the whole performing arts sector in Spain.

FAETEDA is involved in improving the relationships and information exchange between its different associations, creating a necessary synergy among the industry professionals of the different autonomous communities. It was established as the only spokesperson towards administrative and professional state organisms and has become the stepping stone for public institutions towards the private theatre sector as a cultural good of primary importance in society. As the representative of the private sector in Spain, FAETEDA is in constant dialogue with de Ministry of Culture and different performing arts organizations, both national and international.

Along these years, FAETEDA has accomplished many victories and has promoted a large number of projects. It has carried out various studies, workshops, seminars, forums and debates on topics of interest to the sector. It has also launched its own projects, such as CHIVATOS, MERCARTES and UBICARTE. In addition, it has contributed to the promotion of initiatives such as the General Theater Plan, the creation of the Academy of Performing Arts and the Iberescena program, and the reduction of VAT on tickets for cultural shows from 21% to 10%. Likewise, throughout the year 2020, during the coronacrisis, led the fight for better conditions for the cultural sector and, especially, the performing arts.

We are Members of


Pearle* – Live Performance Europe is the European Federation of Live Performance Employers. It currently represents more than 10.000 European cultural organisations, through its members. FAETEDA is a member of Pearle* since 1999 and held its vice-presidency since 2019.

In 1998, Pearle* was recognized by the European Commission as the stepping stone at EU level for employers association in the sector. Pearle* provide information and advice to European policy makers on policy initiatives and other issues relevant to the sector, while offering first-hand, detailed and personalised information to its members, with the aim of creating a sustainable environment in Europe for the live performance sector.

Pearle* participates in the EU Social Dialogue meetings together with EAEA (European Alliance for Arts and Entertainment), which represents the workers union at EU level. At these meetings, different topics such as social dialogue, health and safety measures, labour mobility, training, the economic situation of the sector, diversity and gender equality are discussed.

Pearle* takes part in the EEN (European Employers’ Network) facilitated by Businesseurope and is registered as an employers’ organization by ILO (International Labour Office) with grants an observer status at the International Labour Conference.

State Council for the Performing Arts and Music

The State Council for the Performing Arts and Music is a collegiate body attached to INAEM, of a representative and advisory nature, which channels the participation of the cultural sectors of music, dance, theatre and circus. This is a fundamentally consultative entity that INAEM has for decision-making and for the establishment of short, medium and long-term policies.

It also provides guidance in the design, preparation, evaluation and monitoring of policies in the field of the performing arts and music that fall within the competence of the State. It collaborates with other institutions and bodies of a similar nature, inside and outside Spain, giving special consideration to the cultural and linguistic diversity of the State.

Since its creation, FAETEDA has had a permanent participation in the State Council for the Performing Arts and Music, and is currently part of its Executive Committee. It is also represented in the Artistic Theatre Council, through its president.

PLATEA Programme

PLATEA is the State Programme for the Circulation of Performing Arts in Local Entity Venues. It is organised by INAEM in collaboration with FEMP. It was launched in 2014 with the aim of promoting the joint programming of professional theatre, dance, circus and lyric theatre companies by public local authority-owned venues, in order to reactivate and enrich their cultural programming, facilitate communication between the autonomous communities and guarantee citizens access to culture.

This programme was included in the report of the Commission for the Reform of the Administration, approved by the Council of Ministers on 21 June 2013 and in the Culture 2020 Plan, drawn up by the Secretary of State for Culture of the Ministry of Culture and Sport, which guarantees its continuity in the coming years. Since its inception, FAETEDA has been a member of its Joint Steering Committee and, more recently, of its Committee of Experts for the theatre and dance catalogues.

Through PLATEA, the local entities associated with the programme can select a series of shows to programme performances in their venues. The choice of performances is made through the PLATEA catalogue, drawn up by independent experts. INAEM undertakes with the local entities to cover part of the contracting costs, thus facilitating the circulation of stage performances throughout Spain.

Our Projects


It is a data-base that collects weekly all the information of the shows performing at public and private theaters in Spain. This program provides essential data to the sector, in order to improve their efficiency and give them tools to identify its main issues.

Currently we have 70 theaters associated and we are in negotiations with the Ministry of Culture and SGAE (General Society of Authors and Publishers), to contribute to the participation of theaters from all Spain.


This performing arts market was created in 2004 in Seville and take place every two years. Its main objective is to promote the relationships between professionals of the sector and to generate business opportunities. It was established as one of the most important performing arts market in Spain. Its last edition (November 7 to 9, 2018) was celebrated in Valladolid and gathered more than 1.000 professionals of the sector.

It is organized by FAETEDA and LA RED (Spanish Network of Public Theaters, Auditorums, Circuits and Festivals). It is also possible thanks to the collaboration of public and private organizations such as Ministry of Culture, Council of Castile and Leon, Council of Valladolid, AC/e (Spanish Cultural Action), FECED (Federation of Dance Companies), COFAE (Coordinator of Performing Arts Markets), ADGAE (Association of Performing Arts Distributors), FEAGC (Federation of Associations of Cultural Managers).


It is a project developed by FAETEDA, in which you can find geolocated companies, producers and shows, as well as venues, distributors, fairs, festivals and associations of the performing arts and music sector in Spain.

The purpose of this project is to gather data from organizations from all the autonomous communities in one place, allowing all professionals in the sector to have a single space with information on the Spanish scene.